The European Commission created a Group of Experts on Well-Being at School, to improve the promotion of well-being at school and create student-friendly learning environments, which Paulo Dias, professor of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Portugal, is part.
This group, which will work in close collaboration with the European Commission, has as its main objective helping to face the challenges in terms of well-being that face young people and teachers and met, for the first time, last Tuesday, the 2nd of May.
Key work topics include promoting mental health and well-being, preventing violence and (cyber)bullying in schools, and creating supportive, safe and inclusive learning environments.
This group also intends to exchange synergies with other initiatives in the European Education Area, in particular, support for the project "Pathways to school success", whose Member States have undertaken to pay special attention to school well-being.