On February 28th, starting at 2:30 p.m., the Literary Education Conference will be held in the Isidro Alves Auditorium, with Luís da Silva Pereira, retired Professor of Humanities at the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP) - Braga.
This event will see the presentation of the teacher's latest book, Histórias de Nonô.
As part of the activities of the Local Reading Plan (PLL), this afternoon's program consists of two parts:
- 14h30-15h30: Presentation of the book to elementary school students (reading of excerpts, dialog with the author and musical moment, with the participation of the Allegro Academy), preceded by a welcome from our Director and with the presence of elementary school classes from the city;
- 15h45-17h00: Round table on Children's literature, discovering the world and training readers (shared dialog between some teacher-researchers).
Histórias de Nonô
Nonô is a little girl who, through play, learns about life through daily interaction with her parents, grandparents, family, friends, schoolmates, animals and the natural world. She plays and spontaneously opens her imagination to the dimension of the marvelous which, because it is the world where the laws of nature are suspended, allows human beings to dream of all possibilities.
In these short stories, we are pleased to see the very special relationship with her grandparents. Nonô learns some of the most important things in life from them.With their experience and the intensity of their affection, they enrich the existential journey of children who are just starting out. They are the best role models for them. It's good to meet them again in a book dedicated to the little ones, but which the older ones will also enjoy reading and where they can also learn a little more about how to deal with their children and grandchildren.
Luís Alexandre Cabral da Silva Pereira
Luís Alexandre Cabral da Silva Pereira was born in Peso da Régua in 1947. He obtained his PhD in Portuguese Literature from the Braga Faculty of Philosophy of the Portuguese Catholic University with the thesis Imagens da Lírica Camoniana. Repertoire and Interpretation. There he taught Portuguese Literature, Introduction to Literary Studies and Theory of Literature, among other subjects.
From 2010 to 2012 he was the first lay director of the newspaper Diário do Minho, and he currently directs the magazine Bracara Augusta, published by Braga City Council. In addition to articles on literary history and criticism in specialist magazines, and numerous lectures and conferences on literary themes, he has published:
– Quase Silêncio, (poems). Braga, 1980.
– Histórias de Davidim (narrativa). Lisboa, Verbo, 1993,a book that was awarded the Adolfo Simões Muller Prize for Children's Literature.
– De Natal em Natal. Braga, APPACDM, 1994.
– Tomás de Figueiredo ou a poética da casa. Braga, Lyons de Braga, 2002.
– "Jerónimo Baía, Vida e Obra", em Vertigens do Barroco, Mosteiro de São Martinho de Tibães, 2007.
– He fixed the text, prefaced it and wrote the notes and glossaries for Rimas Várias, Flores do Lima, de Diogo Bernardes,published by Edições Caixotim em 2009.
– Histórias de Boca Aberta, Braga, Calígrafo, 2014.
– Semanalmente, Braga, 2021.
–"A Cadeirinha de Rodas", in 50 Histórias de Quem Foi Criança, Sintra, Girassol.