Berta Rodrigues Maia

Professor Auxiliar


Berta Rodrigues Maia é doutorada em Ciências da Saúde – ramo de Ciências Biomédicas, pela Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra e especialista em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde pela Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses. É licenciada em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde pela Universidade do Minho e
mestre em Psicologia da Motivação pela Universidade de Coimbra.

É autora e coautora de dezenas de publicações, nacionais e internacionais, membro
de projetos de investigação nacionais e internacionais (e.g., Riseup COST Action:
CA18138 - Research Innovation and Sustainable Pan-European Network in
Peripartum Depression Disorder) e é Editora Associada e Revisora da Frontiers in
Psychology (Q1).

Tem como interesses de investigação: perturbações afetivas no período perinatal e adições comportamentais.

É professora auxiliar na Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais da Universidade Católica Portuguesa e membro integrado do Centro de Estudos Filosóficos e Humanísticos (CEFH). 


1049 – Correlates of postpartum depressive symptomatology

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with C. Roque). 2013. European Psychiatry

1229 – What about antenatal depressive symptoms correlates/risk factors?

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2013. European Psychiatry

1635 – The correlates of positive affect in pregnancy and postpartum

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2013. European Psychiatry

2004 – Perfectionism and insomnia in pregnancy

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with S.C. Bos). 2013. European Psychiatry


Berta Rodrigues Maia 2010. Journal of Sleep Research

Adição à internet ou uso problemático da internet? Qual dos termos usar?

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Beatriz Fernandes). 2019. Psicologia USP

Affective state dependence and relative trait stability of perfectionism in sleep disturbances

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Berta R. Maia). 2011. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria

Affective state dependence and relative trait stability of perfectionism in sleep disturbances | Ddependência do estado afetivo e estabilidade relativa do traço do perfeccionismo nas perturbações de sono

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Maia, B.R.). 2011. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria

Ansiedade, depressão e estresse em estudantes universitários: o impacto da COVID-19

Berta Rodrigues Maia & Paulo C. Dias (with Berta Rodrigues MAIA). 2020. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas)

Association between appearance schemas and personality traits

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Berta Rodrigues Maia). 2021. European Psychiatry

Associations between social anxiety and avoidance, attachment styles and parental marital status, in late adolescence

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Berta Rodrigues Maia). 2021. European Psychiatry

Attachment to parents and psychological distress

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Berta Rodrigues Maia). 2019. European Psychiatry

Attachment to parents and psychological distress: The mediating role of perfectionism.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2019. European Psychiatry, 56S, S3-444

Clinical morbidity at pregnancy: The role of previous suicidal attempts and repetition

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2016. European Psychiatry

Conditional acceptance as a distinct feature of Socially Prescribed Perfectionism: A study in Portuguese pregnant women

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2009. The 17th European Congress of Psychiatry, Lisboa (24 a 28 Janeiro).

Depressão perinatal: Aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos. VII Simposium sobre perturbações afectivas: Depressão perspectivas futuras.


Depressão perinatal: factores de risco.


Depressão perinatal: modelo bio-psico-social.


Depressão perinatal: reconhecimento, prevenção e tratamento. Lecti Sapientiae - Sessão de Abertura do Ano Lectivo 2014-2015.


Depressive symptomatology in full term pregnant women: prevalence and aetiological factors.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2019. European Psychiatry, 56S, S3-444.

Disordered eating behaviors and sleep disturbances

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2013. Eating Behaviors

Disordered eating behaviors in Portuguese university students - two decades later.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2019. European Psychiatry, 56S, S3-444. Polónia

Disordered eating behaviour in Portuguese university students-two decades later

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with A. T. Pereira). 2019. European Psychiatry

Effectiveness of psychological interventions in the treatment of perinatal depression: A systematic review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Mariana Branquinho). 2021. Journal of Affective Disorders

Effectiveness of the third wave cognitive behavior therapy for peripartum depression treatment - a systematic review

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with M.F. Rodriguez-Muñoz). 2023. Midwifery

Effectiveness of the third wave cognitive behavior therapy for peripartum depression treatment - a systematic review

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with M. F. Rodriguez-Muñoz). 2023. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology

EPA-1658 – Do non-perinatal and perinatal childbearing age women differ in the structure of depressive symptoms?

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2014. European Psychiatry

EPA-1705 – Perinatal depression and depressive symptoms in Portuguese and immigrant women

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2014. European Psychiatry

Epidemiology of perinataldepression in Portugal categorical and dimensional approach | Epidemiologia da depressão perinatal em Portugal abordagem categorical e dimensional

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Maia, B.R.). 2011. Acta Medica Portuguesa

Evolution of Depressive Symptoms From Pregnancy to the 12th Month Postpartum – a Prospective Study with Non-depressed Women

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2015. European Psychiatry

Factor structure of the Rutter Teacher Questionnaire in Portuguese children

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Ana Telma Pereira). 2008. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria

Factores de risco da depressão pós-parto: Uma abordagem multidimensional.


FC06-03 Conditional acceptance as a distinct feature of socially-prescribed perfectionism: A study in Portuguese pregnant women

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2009. European Psychiatry

Generalized problematic internet use

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with A. Araújo). 2021. European Psychiatry

Generalized problematic internet use and attachment styles in Portuguese university students

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Berta Rodrigues Maia). 2019. Journal of Behavioral Addictions

Generalized problematic Internet use and attachment styles in Portuguese university students.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2019. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, Vol 8 (Supl 1), p. 196.

Generalized problematic internet use and perfectionism in Portuguese university students

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Berta Rodrigues Maia). 2021. European Psychiatry

Generalized problematic Internet use and social and avoidance in Portuguese university students.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2019. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, Vol 8 (Supl 1), p. 193. Japão

Generalized problematic Internet use and social anxiety and avoidance in Portuguese university students

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Berta Rodrigues Maia). 2019. Journal of Behavioral Addictions

Generalized problematic internet use, emotional regulation and self-esteem in adults

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Berta Rodrigues Maia). 2022. European Psychiatry

Generalized problematic internet use, use of social networks, and appearance schemas in late adolescence

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Berta Rodrigues Maia). 2021. European Psychiatry

Índice de Solidão/Desamparo, SD-POMS. Consistência interna e validade concorrente.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2018. The Psychologist: Practice & Research Journal, Supl 1(1), S96.

Internet addiction or problematic internet use? Which term should be used?

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Beatriz Fernandes). 2019. Psicologia USP

Internet gaming disorder, aggression and psychological distress in young adults

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Berta Rodrigues Maia). 2022. European Psychiatry

Internet use patterns and the relation between generalized problematic internet use and psychological distress in Portuguese university students

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Berta Rodrigues Maia). 2020. Revista de Psicopatologia y Psicologia Clinica

Is insomnia in late pregnancy a risk factor for postpartum depression/depressive symptomatology?

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2011. Psychiatry Research

Is positive affect in pregnancy protective of postpartum depression?

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Bos, S.C.). 2013. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria

Journal Club: Perfectionism in OCD, ED and in patients with depression and/or anxiety.


Longitudinal study on perfectionism and sleep disturbance

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2010. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry

Mediating role the children’s in the association between mindful parenting and children’s well-being

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2019. Book of abstracts 15th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, 179. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámides. ISSN: 2695-4664.

Mother's personality and infant temperament

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2011. Infant Behavior and Development

Obsessive compulsive-related disorders and perfectionism: A study in a Portuguese population.


P-1058 - Worry and rumination: exploring a brief measure of repetitive thought

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2012. European Psychiatry

P-1476 - Development and validation of the portuguese short version of the postpartum depression screening scale to screen for antenatal depression

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2012. European Psychiatry

P01-237 - Suicidal behaviour in bipolar disorder

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2011. European Psychiatry

P01-282 Screening acuracy of the Portuguese version of the postpartum depression screening scale

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2009. European Psychiatry

P02-101 Teacher reports of emotional and disruptive behaviours in Portuguese children

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2009. European Psychiatry

P02-72 Eating behaviour and perfectionism in students: A prospective study

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2009. European Psychiatry

P03-227 Personality traits and sleep patterns/problems in medical students

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2009. European Psychiatry

P03-228 Sleep patterns and health behaviours in medical students

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2009. European Psychiatry

P03-509 - The role of perfectionism in perinatal depression (ICD-10, DSM-IV and BDI-II, PDSS)

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2011. European Psychiatry

P03-510 - The Portuguese short version of the postpartum depression screening scale

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with A.T. Pereira). 2011. European Psychiatry

Padrão de Uso da Internet numa amostra de estudantes universitários portugueses: Resultados preliminares

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2018. The Psychologist: Practice & Research Journal, Supl 1(1), S11.

Papel da auto-compaixão na perturbação psicológica em estudantes universitário.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2018. The Psychologist: Practice & Research Journal, Supl 1(1), S152. Braga, Portugal

Perfeccionismo e perturbações do espectro obsessivo-compulsivo – resultados preliminares.


Perfectionism and eating attitudes in portuguese students: A longitudinal study

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2009. European Eating Disorders Review

Perfectionism and eating attitudes in Portuguese university students

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2007. European Eating Disorders Review

Perfectionism and eating behaviour in Portuguese adolescents

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2010. European Eating Disorders Review

Perfectionism and sleep disturbance

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2009. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry

Perfectionism dimensions in pregnancy—a study in Portuguese women

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2009. Archives of Women's Mental Health

Perfectionism in obsessive-compulsive and eating disorders

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Maia, B.R.). 2009. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria

Perseverative negative thinking prospectively mediates the relationship between perfectionism and psychological distress

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with P. Casimiro). 2016. European Psychiatry

Positive Beliefs About Rumination Scale-adapted: Validation of the Portuguese Version

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with A. Macedo). 2015. European Psychiatry

Predictors of sleep difficulties in college students

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2017. European Psychiatry

Preditores do Temperamento difícil da criança aos 3 meses pós-parto.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2018. The Psychologist: Practice & Research Journal, Supl 1(1), S156.

Prevalence and incidence of perinatal depression in Portugal

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with A. T. Pereira). 2019. European Psychiatry

Prevalence and incidence of perinatal depression in Portugal: Ten years later.

Berta Rodrigues Maia European Psychiatry, 56S, S3-444.

Problematic generalized internet use

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Berta Rodrigues Maia). 2019. European Psychiatry

Problematic generalized Internet use: The predictive role of neuroticism, extroversion and gender in a sample of Portuguese university students.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2019. European Psychiatry, 56S, S3-444

Profile of depressive symptoms in women in the perinatal and outside the perinatal period: Similar or not?

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Pereira, A.T.). 2014. Journal of Affective Disorders

Psychological distress, negative and positive affect, stress, marital satisfaction and sleep

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with F. Urbano). 2019. European Psychiatry

Psychological distress, negative and positive affect, stress, marital satisfaction and sleep: Comparison of women with infertility and without infertility.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2019. European Psychiatry

Relação entre o perfecionismo e a ansiedade e evitamento em situações sociais.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2018. The Psychologist: Practice & Research Journal, Supl 1(1), S167.

Repetitive negative thinking mediates the association between perfectionism and psychological distress

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Macedo, A.). 2015. Personality and Individual Differences

Reply to the comment on "Factor structure of the Rutter Teacher Questionnaire in Portuguese children"

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Ana Telma Pereira). 2009. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria

Self-critical rumination as a mediator between attachment orientations and perceived stress: Evidence from a cross-cultural validation of the self-critical rumination scale

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2018. Current Psychology

Short forms of the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale: As accurate as the original form

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Pereira, A.T.). 2013. Archives of Women's Mental Health

Should we screen for perinatal depression?


Sintomatologia depressiva no termo da gestação, em mulheres de baixo risco

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Vanessa Silva). 2019. Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria

Sleep and behavioral/emotional problems in children: A population-based study

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2009. Sleep Medicine

Sleep and emotional/disruptive problems in children: a population-based study.


Sleep disturbances, body mass index and eating behaviour in undergraduate students

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Soares, M.J.). 2011. Journal of Sleep Research

Sleep, well-being, lifestyle, and academic variables: Which are the main predictors of academic achievement at university?


Stress, insomnia and mood states in late pregnancy.


Stresse materno e temperamento do bebé: O papel do desamparo, dos sintomas depressivos e do apoio social.


Suicidal Behaviour in Bipolar Disorder

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with V Nogueira). 2011. European Psychiatry

Teacher reports of emotional/disruptive behaviours in Portuguese children.


The baby version of the interpersonal mindfulness in parenting scale: psychometric properties and factor structure in a sample of Portuguese mothers in the postpartum period.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2019. Book of abstracts 15th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, 179. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámides. ISSN: 2695-4664.

The BDI-II factor structure in pregnancy and postpartum: Two or three factors?

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2009. European Psychiatry

The effects of prenatal maternal stress, loneliness/helplessness, depressive symptoms, sleep difficulties and social support on child temperament in 3 months postpartum

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with M. J. Soares). 2019. European Psychiatry

The effects of prenatal maternal stress, loneliness/helplessness, depressive symptoms, sleep difficulties and social support on child temperament in 3 Months Postpartum.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2019. European Psychiatry, 56S, S3-444.

The mediating role of children´s perfectionism in the association between mindful parenting and children’s well-being.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2019. European Psychiatry, 56S, S3-444.

The POMS Factor Structure at Six and Twelve Months Postpartum

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2015. European Psychiatry

The Portuguese short form of the Eating Attitudes Test‐40

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2008. European Eating Disorders Review

The Portuguese version of the postpartum depression screening scale

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Pereira, A.T.). 2010. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology

The Portuguese version of the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale-Short Form

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2010. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research

The postpartum depression screening scale: Is it valid to screen for antenatal depression?

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Pereira, A.T.). 2011. Archives of Women's Mental Health

The premedical syndrome: Does it exist in Portugal? | O premedical syndrome: Será que existe em Portugal?

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Marques, M.). 2009. Acta Medica Portuguesa

The relationship between generalized problematic Internet use and social interaction and performance anxiety and avoidance in late adolescence.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2019. Book of abstracts 15th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, 189. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámides. ISSN: 2695-4664.

The relationship between insecure attachment and suicidal ideation and attempt in late adolescence.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2019. Book of abstracts 15th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, 190. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámides. ISSN: 2695-4664.

The role of perfectionism in postpartum depression and symptomatology

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2012. Archives of Women's Mental Health

Trauma, alexitimia and binge eating.

Berta Rodrigues Maia European Psychiatry, 56S, S3-444.

Trauma, emotion regulation difficulties and binge eating

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with C. Alves). 2019. European Psychiatry

Trauma, emotion regulation difficulties and binge eating.

Berta Rodrigues Maia 2019. European Psychiatry, 56S, S3-444.

Uso problemático da internet numa amostra de estudantes universitários: Resultados preliminares.


Why should we screen for perinatal depression

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Ana Telma Pereira). 2014. International Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health

Why should we screen for perinatal depression? Ten reasons to do it

Berta Rodrigues Maia (with Ana Telma Pereira). 2014. International Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health