Program, Courses and Schedule
Courses attendance system
Program and Courses
5 seminar courses x 6 hours = total 30 hours
Discussion of PhD projects in Linguistics
Course 1 | Prof. Dirk Geeraerts, University of Leuven | From structuralism to usage-based linguistics: Currents and undercurrents in modern linguistics
Course 2 | Prof. Johannes Kabatek, University of Zurich | Eugenio Coseriu’s theory of language and contemporary linguistics
Course 3 | Prof. Dylan Glynn, Université Paris 8 | Introduction to Statistics for Corpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
Course 4 | Prof. Jane Klavan, University of Tartu | Constructional Alternations: A Multimethod Perspective
Course 5 | Prof. Manuela Romano, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Analyzing protest discourse in cross-cultural contexts