Talks Before Lunch with Hans Joas

Tuesday, February 27, 2024 - 11:30

Universidade Católica Portuguesa

LisboaSão Domingos de Benfica, Lisboa1649-023
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The German sociologist will be in Lisbon, at the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP), to answer the question "What's next after the secularization thesis?"

Hans Joas, a leading figure in the sociology of religion, will be in Lisbon at the invitation of the Portuguese Catholic University's Centre for Communication and Culture Studies and the Centre for Global Studies for a conference on "What Comes After the Secularization Thesis? Religious and Secular Sources of Moral Universalism".

As part of the "Talks Before Lunch" cycle, the 2017 Paul Ricœur Prize winner and author of works such as 'Do We Need Religion? On the Experience of Self-Transcendence' or 'Faith as an Option: Possible Futures for Christianity', among others, will seek to deepen the challenges to religion and the so-called secular world in the search for a universal morality.

The conference can be attended on February 27 at 11:30 a.m. in the Descobrimentos Room of the Portuguese Catholic University in Lisbon or online HERE.

Talks Before Lunch com Hans Joas