On the 24th of May, at 5:00 pm, the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences (FFCS) of the Catholic University of Portugal – Braga Regional Center will open the doors of its Aula Magna to honor four professors with an event called “Philosophy and Humanities in Braga Contemporânea: On the centenaries of João Mendes SJ, Lúcio Craveiro SJ, Júlio Fragata SJ and António Freire SJ”.
The celebration will consist of an evocative session of the four teachers, with the participation of personalities close to them, namely, Mário Garcia, SJ; Manuel Gama, Teresa Fragata and Acílio Estanqueiro Rocha.
This will be followed by the unveiling of commemorative plaques for the Aula Magna and the FFCS Library and, finally, a Green of Honor.
Participation in the event is free, but registration is mandatory.